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Volunteer Florida is thrilled to introduce Florida's official volunteer opportunities platform- Volunteer Connect. Here, you can post, manage and schedule volunteer opportunities for your organization. Register now and access training about best practices in volunteer management, and about maximizing Volunteer Connect features.



  • Private nonprofits: Organizations with IRS 501(c)3 nonprofit status (Ex. Community-based, civic or faith-based organizations, schools) Private nonprofits must provide an Employee Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN) during registration. This number is assigned to organizations by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when they receive 501(c)3 status. 


  • Public nonprofits: Government entities.



When you register to become a partner organization, you receive access to a variety of features:
  • Promote volunteer opportunities, searchable by date, location, issue area, populations served and age groups served

  • Schedule volunteers by general availability or specific shift requests

  • Track volunteer sign-up, onsite attendance and service hours

  • Communicate with volunteer teams or individuals

  • Participate in volunteer management trainings




We want Floridians to find helpful, reliable information about opportunities and organizations when they browse Volunteer Connect. Your participation as a partner organization shapes that experience. So we want you to be aware of a few key Portal Terms and Conditions, which you must agree to, if you register for an account. Be sure to read the entire policy here.


Registered organizations agree to:
  • Provide a valid employee identification number (unless a government entity)

  • Enter an accurate mission statement

  • Post only volunteer opportunities that fulfill a charitable mission

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge and training to correctly use account features

  • Follow the guidelines established for posting opportunities

  • Promptly update contact information should it change

  • Respond to volunteer inquiries within 3 business days


Registered organizations cannot:
  • Indicate that Volunteer Florida endorses or supports the organization or its activities

  • Participate in political or legislative activities as defined by the Internal Revenue Service

  • Use Volunteer Connect to proselytize or promote religious views.

  • Discriminate in its staff, board, volunteers, volunteer committees or recipients of services on the basis of a person's race, color, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, or mental or physical disability, political affiliations/opinions or any other status prohibited by applicable federal, state and laws.​
  • Request financial support/fundraise or post the need for financial support. Support for fundraising activities is permitted.

  • Advertise goods and services.



Common Messages